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Huntingdon County Comprehensive Plan

Huntingdon County Comprehensive Plan

Alleghenies Ahead

The six south-central counties represented by the Southern Alleghenies Planning and Development Commission (SAP&DC) - Cambria, Somerset, Blair, Bedford, Fulton, and Huntingdon - prepared an award winning multi-county Comprehensive Plan, Alleghenies Ahead. Adopted by the Huntingdon County Commissioners on July 3, 2018, Alleghenies Ahead identifies five specific Action Plan priorities for Huntingdon County: 

Broadband and Cellular Service,

Collaboration and Coordination

Business and Workforce Development

Housing and Blight 

Recreational Amenities and Natural Assets.

Documents and Resources

Model Zoning Ordinance

During the 2007 update to the Comprehensive Plan, a Model Zoning Ordinance was developed for use by local municipalities.  Click the link below to view a copy of the ordinance.

Model Subdivision Ordinance

Planning and Development staff secured the cooperation of twenty-five municipalities in development of a model subdivision and land development ordinance.  These municipalities agreed to make a financial contribution and to participate in ordinance development.  The Model Subdivision Ordinance was completed in the summer of 2001 and has been adopted by eight municipalities.  Presently, 30 out of 48 municipalities have a municipal subdivision ordinance.   The "Huntingdon County Land Development Guide" lists which municipalities have an adopted ordinance.