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Community Development

Community Development

Community Development in Huntingdon County is guided primarily by the Huntingdon County Comprehensive Plan.   Community needs are systematically reviewed so that funding resources are focused where they are most needed to create the successful communities envisioned by the Huntingdon County Comprehensive Plan.  

Adequate financial resources, consistently and wisely focused on the needs of our communities are necessary for fulfillment of our vision for Huntingdon County as established by the Huntingdon County Comprehensive Plan, "It is our goal that Huntingdon County achieve economic prosperity while retaining the qualities of rural and small town living."

CBDG Projects Map (PDF)

LMI Areas Chart (PDF)


Please contact Jen Bellis, Community Development Administrator, at (814) 643-5091 or via email at jbellis@huntingdoncounty.net with questions regarding the Huntingdon County CDBG Program.

FY 2024 CDBG Public Hearing Information

Public Meeting Information

These meetings are accessible to individuals with disabilities and/or for persons with Limited English Proficiency.  If you wish to attend and require special accommodations, please notify the Huntingdon County Planning and Development Department office 72 hours in advance at (814) 643-5091 or TDD (800) 877-8339 or jreck@huntingdoncounty.net or jbellis@huntingdoncounty.net 

Interested citizens are encouraged to phone-in and will be offered the opportunity to give oral testimony at the Public Hearing concerning the needs of Huntingdon County, proposed CDBG program activities, the prior use of CDBG funds, as well as the CDBG program in general. 

Written proposals and comments may also be submitted to the Huntingdon Co. Planning & Development Dept., 205 Penn St., Ste. 3, Huntingdon, PA 16652 or  jreck@huntingdoncounty.net or jbellis@huntingdoncounty.net in accordance with the advertised deadline.

TDD can be placed through the PA Relay System at (800) 654-5984. AVISO DE DERECHO A UN INTÉRPRETE Es la política de EL MUNICIPIO proveer interprete a poblaciones de personas con limitada competencia en inglés que son elegibles para nuestros programas o que probablemente se afectarán por nuestros programas. Tales servicios se centrarán en proveer acceso significativo a nuestros programas, servicios, o beneficios. Usted tiene derecho o un servicio de intérprete cualificado sin coste a usted. Tiene derecho de no tener que depender de niños, otros parientes, o amigos como interprete. Tiene derecho a presentar una queja sobre los servicios de acceso a intérprete proveídos.

The Huntingdon County Commissioners make every effort to ensure that all programs and activities are accessible to learning, mobility, visual, language, and hearing-impaired persons.  Therefore, Huntingdon County will strive to provide a qualified language interpreter when necessary.